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So You Want To Write A Press Release?

Chances are that you have heard that Press Release Marketing can save your business. So you decided to do some research and write your own Press Release, after all, anybody can write a PR. WRONG! You may not be aware of the fact that you can do more harm than good. Google may not like your creation. How would you like to be penalized for keyword stuffing, duplicate content, etc.?

Local SEO: Recent Algorithm Changes Further Prove That You Need a Seasoned Expert on Your Side

Your company’s local SEO plan should never get lost in the shuffle of the larger accounts that an internet marketing firm holds. Unfortunately, many companies involved in local SEO are left feeling that they got the shorter end of the stick when it comes to attention and time spent on accounts. But, local SEO is currently at the forefront of organic SEO strategies – and for good reason, the search engines are attributing high value to sites with relevant, local content.

Secret to Online Marketing Success – Become the Trusted Advisor

If trust is one of the foundations that keep relationships intact, it is also the same way with your network marketing or affiliate marketing business. Assuming that you’re now getting leads, the next hurdle you must overcome is how to get people to trust you. This article will give you pointers on how to become the trusted advisor.

Tips for Promoting Your Business Online

Is it time to promote your business online? Has the World Wide Web impacted your business? If you said “Yes!”, you are right! How can I say that without knowing one thing about your business? I can say that because 78.6% of the North American population are internet users!! That is nearly 80% of the population online! It would be unwise not to tap into this market… actually, it is imperative that you do!

10 Tips For Increasing Your Landing Page Conversion Rates

Let’s face it… You can have THEE most incredible campaign or advertisement in the entire world, but the ultimate goal is to not only improve your CTR, its improving your landing page conversion rates. Yes, the first step is to entice people to click on your ad, whether it be a PPC ad, Banner Ad, Craigslist Ad, etc.

Digital Loyalty Marketing Through Your Mobile App

Digital loyalty cards are a great way to evolve a company’s app and obtain crucial data to pivot the marketing direction of your company. Knowing how to transform your brand into a loyalty card can open up many opportunities for your business. Loyalty cards in general keep customers coming back.

Paid Traffic Versus Free Traffic. Which Is Best?

Many internet marketers get confused about this topic. Thye wonder if it is better to pay for traffic or use so called free method such as social media, blogging, seo, and article marketing. Which is best? Read this article and find answers that will help you make the right decision.

3 Email Marketing Solutions To Improve Response

The process of email marketing for small business may not always provide the kind of results that you, as a business owner, were looking for. Sometimes, you send out what you think is the best small business email marketing campaign ever but the response rates fall way short of expectations.

Constant Promotion the Key to Affiliate Marketing Success

Without promotion, regardless of how exciting or high quality your product is, no one will see its value. Maybe a few people will buy it but that’s about it. If you want to reach more prospects, you need to be always promoting. This article will give you practical pointers on how to ramp your business up to the next level.

Two Fundamental Rules in Successful Marketing

My brother is an accountant but awhile back, he used to do my mailing for me. He has a very analytical mind and when he mailed for me, he only focused on the numbers. If you’ve read any of my previous articles, you know I’ve said this before- numbers don’t lie. Now my brother would mail the same email with the same subject line ten times in a row and tell me, “This is better than any emails we send or get. I’m going to keep mailing this.” I worried that I was looking like an idiot by mailing the same thing every day but he wasn’t concerned. He just kept saying, “I don’t care. Look at the numbers, they work.”

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