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Internet Marketing – The Future Looks Good

Internet marketing has been through a bit of a rollercoaster ride over the last decade with many saying that there is no future in trying to make a living online because we are being squeezed out by over zealous search engines, particularly Google, continually moving the goalposts. It’s a bit like the modern media, most of the news is negative with very little positive information written or broadcast about. The interesting thing is, it’s the people who actually run a successful business online, rather than the doom and gloom merchants merely reading and writing about it, who know that Internet Marketing is an exciting and profitable business to be involved in.

Marketing Strategies: The 1 Simple Question That Instantly Persuades Your Audience

Do you always claim and trumpet everywhere that your product is the best? If so, you simply express your point of view and forget the only one that really counts: the point of view of your readers. Too many webmarketers are giving their opinions, claiming they are the best in their field, or that their product is by far the most efficient on the marketplace.

Information Products – What Are They?

What is an information product? Well, at risk of stating the obvious, it is a product that provides information. It provides information that people are willing to pay for. Who is willing to pay for information? Before I answer that, let me explore another question. What are people doing when they go online?

10 Minutes Per Day: Here Is Why That’s All You Need To Succeed

Do you have projects you can’t start or achieve because you lack time? If yes, you should read this. Whether you want to write a book, create a video training, start a blog, or whatever your project is, here is an extremely simple way to do all these things you don’t have the time to do.

Pricing Strategy: Never Again Price Your Products Like This

In this article you are about to learn the three biggest mistakes you must absolutely avoid when pricing your products. How you can more than double the price of your products and have prices that are even higher than the ones of your competitors and continue to sell as much as now or even more.

5 Affiliate Internet Marketing Tactics That No Longer Work (But People Still Try)

Internet marketing tactics come and go like the seasons. However with seasons, they come back exactly as they were the year prior. With internet marketing tactics, those tactics disappear after each season never to return. The reason for this is, that internet marketing in a nutshell is a bit deceptive. Yes, there is a bit of lying involved to get people to buy things and I know a lot of people don’t want to believe that, but believe me when I say, an honest salesman will always go hungry. Here are 5 affiliate internet marketing tactics that no longer work but it sure as hell doesn’t stop people from trying them anyways.

Proactive V Reactive – The Balance

With this article, I am provoking opinions and comments concerning the approach to being successful in an online environment compared with an offline environment. In offline sales and marketing, in a B2B environment, I learned that to be successful you need to be predominantly proactive as an individual, but as a company you needed to provide a reactive interface with your customers in the form of customer service, technical support etc.

Want More Cash? Add More Value!

Making money online and offline mainly comes down to this. You give somebody value and they will give you money in exchange. So, if you want more money you need to give more value.

How To Supercharge Your Online Business With Article Marketing

Article marketing is a simple way to get an edge on your competitors. Those businesses that want to position their authority online will use article marketing as an important part of their marketing strategy.

Stating the Importance of Long Tail Keywords

If you have been in the Internet business for long, you will understand why you have to use Long Tail Keywords. These types of keywords provide online users immediate information on the Web. So if you had unique long tail keyword only applicable to you, it should immediately direct to your site.

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