Has Your Website Been Copied? Find Out Quickly
Warning banners and copy protect software can do little to stop the plagiarizers from getting your content and claiming it to be their own. However, you can detect and prosecute the offenders using a couple of simple online tools. This article helps you to find out if your web content has been copied, using simple and easy to use tools and techniques.
Why Do We All Feel Better When We Explore What We Really DesireWhy do we always feel better when spring is here? The sun is beginning to shine again with some warmth. Plants in the earth are reborn and start to shoot into bud again. It is though we have awakened from a long sleep and are ready to get busy again.
Sometimes companies get so excited about going digital that they end up making the common mistake of focusing on immediate execution and forgetting about the original concept or strategy. Sometimes ready, fire, aim works but your company’s resources can be consumed by digital execution without a plan. Sometimes the bigger issue is that companies don’t have the right resources. Here is what I see most often when a company realizes that digital is going to be an important part of their go-forward strategy.
6 Reasons Why Successful Online Entrepreneurs Write A BlogBlogs play a key role in educating prospects so that they become future customers and many of your most qualified leads, whether you know who they are or not, will read your blog at some time or another. Here are 6 reasons why you need to set up your own blog.
Create Powerful Content For Training Clients AgainThe hardest thing a coach has to do is maintain the training of clients. They really do LEARN what you teach them, but then they forget and need to be reminded. But do you really want them to re-enter your coaching program for months on end to get the ‘reminder’ part of your program?
Why Should You Hire a Creative Digital Agency for Brand Promotion?It is necessary to hire a genuine creative digital agency if you want to spread the word about your brand among the customers. This digital agency will implement the latest techniques to do the needful.
Your audience is waiting for you in one place – FACEBOOK. All ready categories, all specific to your audience. How convenient is that! According to Facebook as at April 12th 2015 they have over 1 Billion users each month – 1 Billion imagine that!
3 Reasons to Start a Business OnlineStarting a business online has never been easier than now. Numerous resources can be used to get started fast. Learn three reasons why you should start now.
Lots of Online Business Ideas?Ideas are important when it comes to any business. If you manage your own online business discover how to capitalize your ideas and turn them into a profit.
You Need to Plant Seeds!Do you really want to be a successful marketer? If you do you need to emulate Johnny Appleseed!